We are now accepting applications for the 2024-25 school year:

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How to Apply

1. Complete the form & schedule a tour:
3. Learn more about Harbor School
2. Download and complete the admissions forms

Financial Aid

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Tuition & Costs

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Class Size

Small classes mean all students receive individual attention. No one falls through the cracks. Our student-to-teacher ratio varies by grade with the grades K-3 at 10:1 ratio, and our grades 4-8 at 14:1 on average.

Ten monthly payments June through March

Plan 3

Three payments in June, September, & December

Plan 2

Full payment in June before school starts

Plan 1

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Harbor School Payment Plans


Grades 6-8


Grades 1-5



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Pricing for 2023-24 and 2024-25

Tuition & Costs

Questions about tuition and Financial Aid awards?
Reach out to our Admissions team: admissions@harborschool.org

We are now accepting applications for the 2024-25 school year:

Learn More & Schedule a tour

Students in Upper Elementary and Middle School are expected to participate in a multi-age Voyagers Week trip in early spring. These trips range in price from $500 to $2,300. Families can choose an option that both interests their child and works for them financially.


Class Trips may change from year to year, but all students in grades 4 through 8 participate in these annual class trips each May.

For information and planning purposes, the estimated costs of the 2020/2021 Class Trips are as follows:

Class Trips

° This includes a two-week international travel trip.

$2,400-$2,700 °

Middle School: 8th Grade

* This includes the cost of our 7th Grade Trip to Cispus in Fall 2021.

$1,500-$1,600 *

Middle School: 7th Grade


Middle School: 6th Grade

$500 – $650

Upper Elementary: 4th & 5th Grade 

Travel Study is an integral part of Harbor School’s Upper Elementary and Middle School curriculum. Each year the trip menu varies, as do the actual trip costs.

Travel Study Expenses

Financial Aid Awards

To keep a Harbor School education affordable for all, the Board determined in 2018 to remove the cap on Financial Aid awards.

Since 2018, Financial Aid awards are made on a need-based sliding scale that balances a family’s need with the financial integrity of the school.

We recognize that every family situation is different and that even a small Financial Aid award can make a critical difference.

Sliding Scale


The first step in realizing a Financial Aid award is to apply through School and Student Services (SSS). This step is part of our admissions and re-enrollment process.

An enrollment application for your child must be received prior to financial assistance determination.


Financial Aid awards are determined anonymously and on a rolling basis by the Finance Committee of the Board.

Financial Aid Awards are developed from the recommendations made by SSS upon the completion of the application process.


Families are informed of an award as soon as possible.

Families must reapply for Financial Aid awards through SSS and the school’s Finance Committee on an annual basis.

Learn More

As a School and Student Services partner, Harbor School utilizes advanced cloud-based software to connect parents to the Family Portal.

Begin application for Harbor School Financial Aid Award:

Open Application

When students enter in Kindergarten they begin a 9-year journey. In that time, the relationships they forge with their peer group and the teachers who take the journey with them is priceless.

A Nine Year Journey

Lifelong Connections

Tailored Learning Experiences

Our faculty and staff know children well beyond a single year, and their familiarity with each child’s learning process allows them to truly know each student and what works best for them.

Begin application for Harbor School Financial Aid Award:

Open Application